draMa thERapy to inCrease the entrepreneURial potential of Youth
Duration: 01/04/2023 - 01/04/2025
Status: Ongoing
Total budget: 120 000 EUR
Participating organisations:
Miejska Strefa Kultury w Łodzi (Poland)
ART+INN (Lithuania)
Beogradska akademija poslovnih i umetnickih strukovnih studija (Serbia)
Project website:
Project code: 2022-2-PL01-KA220 -YOU-000096791
The last period has been particularly challenging: the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and economic recession. Naturally, these events had only exacerbated the trauma that young people have experienced in the past. However, many young people do not disclose trauma or seek help due to multiple systemic barriers, such as personal financial limitations and a lack of service availability. Although there are many entrepreneurship and employability programmes, they focus on hard skills such as business plan development, management, communication, etc. Consequently, even if young people have the right idea, knowledge and skills, they are not able to overcome their psychological fears and doubts to make the first step to realise them. Thereby, the partnership of the MERCURY project has the following objectives
- To better understand trauma relation to young people’s entrepreneurship and emploability potential in Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and Serbia.
- To develop an innovative methodological guide, tool-kit, and recommendations based on post-traumatic growth theory, drama therapy, and digital tools to better equip youth workers to work in an innovative and inclusive work manner,
- To support vulnerable young people move beyond traumatic life events and increase their wellbeing, employability and entrepreneurial skills,
- To contribute to the development of youth workers' competences in supporting young people who have experienced trauma,
- To contribute to a more innovative, active and well-functioning youth work system across Europe
The MERCURY's activities include 1) creation of Methodological guide, covering analysis of post-traumatic growth theory, best drama practices, analysis of young people’s trauma relation to entrepreneurship and employability in partner countries and the set of MERCURY’s entrepreneurship skills 2) tool-kit of 25 drama therapy practices, including digital 3) recommendation for youth workers to support young people in the early stages of trauma and preserve their entrepreneurship and employability potential.
Participating organisations
Miejska Strefa Kultury w Łodzi (Coordinator)
Miejska Strefa Kultury w Łodzi (MSK) is a public cultural centre co-financed by Municipality of Łódź. The main aim of MSK is to respond to the needs of the local community in the area of non-formal and informal education. The mission of MSK is to educate adults and youth, propagate culture, and animate and integrate the local community.
ART+INN (Partner)
Organisation’s mission is to bring the world of art and the world of science together in order to create a prosperous and sustainable synergy of innovation, creativity, and mass entrepreneurship.
Beogradska akademija poslovnih i umetnickih strukovnih studija (Partner)
Belgrade Business and Arts Academy of Applied Studies (BAPUSS) is the first and leading accredited higher education institution in Serbia in the fields of information systems and technologies, finance, accounting, banking, tax and customs, public administration, management and marketing.
LATERNA MAGICA was established to create demanding and unique cultural and educational projects in Hungary and abroad as well. Organisation has experience in EU-level project management and strong connection with the Hungarian cultural and educational institutions and organizations. Established: 1998.


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